Wheel Force Transducer Rental

Wheel Force Transducers (WFTs) are used to measure vehicle reaction forces during durability and vehicle dynamics testing. MSC WFTs are known for their durability, accuracy, simple installation, and ease of use. Installed on cars, SUVs, all sizes of trucks, ATVs, agriculture equipment and construction machinery, MSC has a wide range of WFT capacities to fit almost any wheeled vehicle.

Wheel Force TransducerBollinger-WFT

Michigan Scientific Corporation WFTs output three forces, three moments, two accelerations, wheel speed, and wheel position signals to provide complete spindle load data with extreme accuracy. All WFTs include both CAN and Analog signal outputs.

Every system combines a high strength, lightweight transducer with weatherproofed protective coatings to function in a variety of driving conditions.

Product engineers determine appropriate WFT rental models for any application providing availability, pricing, and customized adapter options. Rental systems can be shipped immediately if Michigan Scientific has already manufactured the hub and rim adapter. CAD models of the WFT adapter layout guidelines and design review are provided at no additional charge. Rental periods can be as short as two weeks, for customers who only need short term use. 

System Components3_WFT_system_components-expl

Michigan Scientific WFT rental systems include the WFT and the built in amplifier in either the Slip Ring or Telemetry system. The Stator Angle Corrector adjusts the real-time rotational angle signal from the wheel. The adjusted rotational angle signal is used in the coordinate transformation to prevent any error while the wheels are steered during dynamic testing. The WFT User Interface Electronics (CT2) provides high level CAN, Ethernet, and analog outputs. The CT2 accepts either analog or digital signals from the WFT. In addition, CT2 can also accept built in WFT accelerometer signals. All the signals together can be transmitted to the data acquisition system or computer through the digital outputs. The CAN signal cable is included, as well as the cabling for analog signal outputs. All the required cabling and fasteners are included to ensure easy setup. Adapters can be made available as needed. All systems are shopped in rugged packaging or shipping containers.


Comprehensive support is available through phone, email, or on-site instruction. Michigan Scientific will provide on-site training and support at no charge if the facility is within 50 miles of Michigan Scientific. If the distance is greater, a travel fee would be charged.